

It all started when…

People kept suggesting that I do a blog on the multiple gifts that I have been blessed with. After hearing it so much, from so many people, friends and strangers alike, it became confirmation for me. I kept stumbling across the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 which states that God knows the plans that He has for me. Plans to give me hope and a future. After reflecting on the gifts that I have been abundantly blessed with, and being motivated by close friends and family that encourage me to strive towards excellence, God moved me to create my own brand, YcraMStudios. Under this brand, I would umbrella every gift that I have by displaying my creativity in various ways. Soon after developing my brand, God placed other people (you know who you are) in my life that would actively reach out and hold my hand so that my gifts could be shared with the world through different outlets. That's where this blog comes in.

YcraM (Marcy spelled backwards) is a blog about EVERYTHING!!! From fashion ideas, to bargain shopping, crafts, even health and beauty tips, YcraM will cover it all! As the Bible states, "To whom much is given, much is required" (Luke 12:48)...and I know that much is required of me!!

So the question is: YcraM?...because I CAN!!!